
Praise the Lord who hears my prayer

나의 작은 기도 하나 하나까지 땅에 떨어뜨리지 않으시고, 내가 모르는 중에도 이루어가시는 faithful한 나의 하나님! 

Father, I thank you for answering my prayer. Now I realize that all my worries, suffering, and wandering have been your answer for my prayer--the sign of your mercy and faithfulness.

Blessed are those whose strengh is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage (Psalms 84:5)

I pray that I will offer my best and give all the glory to you, Lord. I am very weak and sinful--please give me your strength and wisdom, so I can overcome all the wordly temptations and fix my eyes on Jesus. 

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