
The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life: I Give up, Laura Story

So when the battle for control begins again--and it will--what do I do?

  • I acknowledge the struggle. (Denying it doesn't help. I know. I've tried.)
  • I confess my strong desire to be in charge, and I name my fear of not being in charge. 
  • I admit that my emotions do not always tell me the truth about my circumstances or about my God.
  • I search God's word for truth and keep it always before me. I read it. I pray it. I sing it. I write it on my hand with a ballpoint pen if I need to. I have it ready.
  • I remind myself of God's faithfulness to his children throughout history and of his faithfulness to me. 

Then I do the next thing I would do if I were surrendered to God on this day, in this situation, at this moment. Because the smallest act of trusting obedience can serve to remind me of the one who loves, me, who sees me, who has my back, and who's already gone out ahead of me to make a way. 

And finally, I relax. 
Because I don't need more of me on the throne.
I need more of him. 

God, I don't want to compete with you for who is in charge of my life. You know me--all my fears, impatience, and, at times, even my unbelief. Holy God, Creator of the universe, help me to daily surrender to you as the Lord of my life.